Birth father reunited after 57 years by The People Location Tracing Agents

We love tracing long lost family. And we had a fantastic people trace in this week with a great family reunion at the end.

By Anthony Clifford 22/01/2018

Birth father reunited after 57 years by People Location.

Theresa had been seeking her birth father since childhood. She had tried all the usual online data-sets and other tracing agents over the years without any success.

On one of her many internet trawls seeking to find missing people, Theresa came across the People Location website. She called our offices and was immediately directed to one of our more experienced tracing agents, Mark Robbins

Mark had discussions with the Theresa and suggested directions in which to take the searches, likely outcome scenarios and other case details. Theresa then decided to instruct the People Location Tracing agency there and then.

We took on the case

Mark took full instructions, case details, and clients details and then personally commenced searches within hours of taking the initial case.

Our searches then started with the known case data.

We were looking for Walter Stone we Knew his Parents John Stone and Mary Stone, Younger sibling Doris. and he was last known to have lived in Liverpool in 1956. Walter was born in 1929.

Searches of the name criteria threw up several namesakes in the Liverpool and surrounding areas so Mark had to undertake the painstaking task of elimination of subjects.

“Once you eliminate all the others the jobs almost done”

(Mark Robbins People Location Tracing Specialist)

After eliminating 80% the possible candidates within a few hours Mark was left with a handful of uncertain possible matches for the person trace criteria supplied.

Then More Searches!

We went even deeper contacting local sources by phone, speaking to neighbours and friends, and after 3 days of intense searching our agents finally located a highly likley match for Walter at an address over 200 miles away from the last known whereabouts. We then needed to confirm our data was current. We needed to know if he was still there and make sure it was the right, Walter Stone.

It was!! We then went back to our client and reported the good news

So a full and in-depth trace done! We had located a birth father after 57 years of no contact. The client was ecstatic. We love reuniting families and this client was ove rthe moon.

What a fantastic result!


The client’s original testimonial!

“Thank you so much for finding my father.  After 57 years and several attempts to locate him myself, I had given up hope. After giving your company very little to go on you found him within 3 days.  We have talked every day since and will meet in the future.  Mark from your company made the whole process easy and was so kind. I would definitely recommend People Location to anyone looking for someone in the UK. Without you this would never have been possible.”

(Theresa, Toronto, Ontario)

We are so glad to see yet another happy ending to another long-lost family trace. We wish you both the very best in your new found contact and for the future.


We publish this information with a view to offer an accurate sequence of events and searches that were encompassed during the undertaking of the trace. We reserve the right to change the names, dates and locations of the people involved in order to respect their privacy, People Location and the People Location online presence/websites is/are owned and /are products of Rainbow Promotions UK Ltd"